CMP/MMR – Civilian Marksmanship Program / Modern Military Rifle Matches

CMP rifles include the M1 Garand/1903 Springfield/1917 Krag.
Modern Military rifles include the AR15/AK47/SKS/BM59/FNFAL etc.
The purpose of the CMP matches is to provide a friendly environment to support the improvement of civilian marksmanship.
These matches may be shot on either the 6-bench or 18-bench side of the range, depending on the number of competitors.
The A Course of Fire is shot at 100 yards with a reduced SR-1 Target. Stages include: Slow-fire prone (10 rounds in 10 minutes, with 5 minutes for 5 non-scoring sighters); Rapid-fire prone (starting from standing) 80 seconds for 10 rounds; Slow-fire standing-10 minutes for 10 rounds. Total 35 rounds.
This is shot at 100 yards with a reduced SR-1 target. Stages include: Slow fire prone (20 rounds in 20 minutes with 5 minutes for five non-scoring sighters); Rapid-fire prone (starting from standing)-80 seconds for 10 rounds; Rapid-fire sitting (starting from standing) 10 rounds in 70 seconds; Slow-fire standing- 10 rounds in 10 minutes. Total 55 rounds.
Sign-up starts at 9:00 AM and matches run from about 9:30 until 1:00 PM or earlier, depending on match type and number of shooters.
Entry fee for either the A-course (35 rounds) or the B-course (55 rounds) is $20.00 per shooter. No ammunition is provided and all shooters must bring their own safe ammunition.
Pre-registration is suggested.
Contact Howard Cooley at